Monday, May 31, 2010


Stardoll has brought out a hair coulouring for non ss! It is vanilla (in simpler words white) pretty boring I know but still it is awesome maybe soon they will bring out other colours. At least its a start =]

Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Front Page

Stardoll has a new front page with new Medolls and clothes. Do you like Stardoll's new front page or do you prefer the old one? With summer coming in the US Stardoll may also be up for some new and suprising features...

60 million members

Stardoll reached 60 million members and because of this everyone gets a free baloon, cupcake and dress =] YAY!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Stardoll Magazine page 1

Hello everyone welcome to Stardoll Magazine. Here we talk all about stardoll. I hope you enjoy Stardoll Magazine. I will try to put posts up every day but if I don't than don't worry ( I'm only human) bye xx